Hennepin County recognized its 2014 Environmental Partners for their efforts to recycle and divert organic waste from the trash through composting, sending food scraps to local farmers to feed animals, or by donating edible food. By creating and sustaining strong recycling programs, these 40 businesses help conserve natural resources, reduce greenhouse gas emissions, and support the local economy.
Hennepin County wants to help businesses recycle:
1. Start or improve your recycling and/or organics collection with a Business Recycling Grant <http://www.hennepin.us/businessrecycling>
2015 grant application deadlines are: March 15, June 15, and October 15.
2. Get recognized and become an Environmental Partner
<http://www.hennepin.us/…/re…/hennepin-environmental-partners> to advertise your efforts on our website and at your store.
3. Hennepin County staff is available to help identify opportunities
to improve your recycling.
4. Order free educational materials and signage
Grants up to $50,000 are available from Hennepin County for your business to improve or start recycling efforts. Funds can be used to:
1. Purchase recycling containers and equipment
2. Cover start-up cost for hauling services
3. Install minor improvements to loading docks and outside container enclosures
For more information: