Thank you to everyone who attended the East Town Business Partnership Business Forum on January 16 at Wells Fargo. The presentations from the forum are now available.
We heard a great historical account about the Minneapolis Star Tribune from Jay Cowles. Cowles’ family founded Cowles Media Company, which was the parent company of the Star Tribune until 1998. For a timeline of the key events in the life of the Star Tribune, check out the story available via the link below.
A Look at the History of the Star Tribune
Mike Klingensmith, the Publisher & CEO of the Star Tribune, provided an overview on the state of the newspaper business, talked about the newspaper’s new headquarters location in Capella Tower, and reviewed the redevelopment of the Star Tribune property in East Town.
The presentations from this business forum are now available.
Dan Collison, ETBP Executive Director – Announcement Slides
- Jay Cowles, Unity Avenue Associates and Mike Klingensmith, Publisher & CEO, Minneapolis Star Tribune
A BIG thank you to Wells Fargo for sponsoring this event and for hosting us in the beautiful Weatherball Room on the 15th Floor overlooking The Commons.