To better help businesses comply with the new recycling requirement we are sharing a short guide to help you communicate with your members on the new commercial recycling requirement. Attached you will find the guide, which includes social media posts and a short piece for a newsletter.
In 2014, the Minnesota Legislature expanded recycling requirements to include commercial buildings. Owners with commercial buildings in the seven-county metro area – that also generate four cubic yards or more of trash per week – must be recycling at least three materials by January 1, 2016.
Hennepin County is here to help. Staff at Hennepin County are available to help businesses to improve or start recycling. Resources include:
· Site visit by staff to help design an efficient recycling collection system
· Provide stickers and other labels to improve sorting
· Best practice guide posted online
· Business Recycling Grants
The County’s website: has all the resources above, as well as a form to request assistance.