For the past three years, a renowned place-making expert has been invited to the Twin Cities to engage community members in thinking about how we can collaboratively grow and evolve our cities. Please join the EDC as we explore Portland Avenue as a residential corridor that connects people and supports active transportation for the Downtown East, Elliott Park, and Phillips neighborhoods in Minneapolis. The Portland Avenue event will take place on May 13.
Hosted By
Minneapolis Downtown Council, Minneapolis Downtown Improvement District, East Downtown Council
Presentations and Participants to Include
Downtown Minneapolis Neighborhood Association, Elliot Park Neighborhood Association, Community Planning & Economic Development, Minneapolis Parks and Recreation Board, Minneapolis Parks Foundation, Minneapolis Bicycle Coalition, Aeon, Hennepin County, Metropolitan Design Center, ESG Architects, Shamrock Development, Inc., Thrivent Financial, People Serving People, Wells Fargo, Ryan Companies, Kraus Anderson, House of Charity, Minneapolis City of Lakes Rotary Club
All events are free and open to the public.
Click here to register for all May 13 East Downtown activities, in addition to all activities during the weeklong residency.
7:15 am – 8:30 am: Designing Healthy Communities
Hosted by City of Lakes Rotary Club
Presentation by Dr. Richard Jackson.
The Minneapolis Club, 3rd Floor Main Dining Room, 729 2nd Ave S, Minneapolis
9:00 am – 10:50 am Combination Walking and Bike Tour of Portland Avenue from the Riverfront to Franklin Avenue
This combination walking and biking tour will be a comprehensive look at land use opportunities that are currently being developed and new potential sites yet to be envisioned on Portland Avenue from the Riverfront to Franklin Avenue. It will be an exciting adventure to experience the public realm and hear from development specialists, land owners, city planners, affordable housing advocates, and market specialists as we move from site to site. Note: If you are unable to bike, you will be able to drive for the bike portion of the tour.
Beginning at the Riverfront and Portland Avenue (Mill Ruins Park), 103 Portland Ave, Minneapolis, MN 55401
11:00 am – 12:00 p.m Discussion of Workshop and Focused Discussion about Assets and Opportunities on Portland Avenue
Presented by Minneapolis Downtown Council – Downtown Improvement District- East Downtown Council
This one-hour workshop will feature Gehl Studio interacting with those who experienced the Portland Avenue walking and bike tour. Through facilitation of key questions, we will explore key themes and possibilities for maximizing health and the built environment for each site and the ways they are connected on the Portland Avenue Corridor.
Kraus Anderson Construction, 525 South 8th Street, Minneapolis, 612-332-7281
12:00 pm – 1:00 pm Lunch and Conversation at Pocket Park on the Commons site
Presented by Minneapolis Downtown Council-DID, East Downtown Council
Participants will be able to purchase a lunch and experience an improvised “pocket park” located next to the new Commons Park that is in design phase. Gehl Studio will speak about aspects of curb and street design that enhance the pedestrian and biking experience.
Location TBD
1:30 pm – 3:00pm Celebration of Portland Avenue Residential Corridor Celebration and Envisioning Event
Presented by: City of Minneapolis, ESG Architects, Ryan Construction, Minneapolis Downtown Council-DID, East Downtown Council
This special event will feature esteemed panelists responding to all that is taking place on the Portland Avenue Corridor, and exploring all that could take place! Dr. Jackson and Gehl Studio will interact with the events of the day, City Staff will discuss long range planning, a Market housing specialist will speak to new opportunities, and ESG Architects will present a new vision for greater housing density.
Location TBD
For more information
Email Dan Collison
Director of East Downtown Partnership for the Minneapolis Downtown Council
Executive Director for the East Downtown Council