Message from DEED Commissioner Steve Grove regarding the Statewide Indoor Mask Mandate
Governor Walz and Lt. Governor Flanagan recently announced a new Executive Order implementing a statewide requirement to wear facial coverings when inside indoor businesses and indoor public settings. This requirement will be effective beginning July 25.
Facial covering/masking mandates have been implemented in multiple states and countries around the world and have proven effective. A recent study by Goldman Sachs suggests that masking mandates result in a 25% increase in people who “always” or “frequently” wear a mask. That study also showed a masking mandate can help our economy – preventing a 5% GDP loss that would come from additional lockdown measures.
In consultation with the Minnesota Department of Health and business and community leaders, and following recommendations from the CDC and WHO, we believe that requiring masks indoors – paired with social distancing and other safety protocols – will help us continue to slow the spread of COVID-19, keep Minnesotans healthy, and allow businesses to remain open.
We recognize that this shift will raise many questions about enforcement and the responsibilities of businesses to ensure compliance. You can find general information and answers to several FAQs on the masking requirement here:
Digital and print materials related to the #MaskUpMN campaign are available for download on the State of Minnesota’s COVID-19 website:
Thank you again for your leadership to keep Minnesota safe, and keep our recovery moving.