Our final business forum of the 2017-2018 season is coming up on Thursday, June 21, from 11:30 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. This will be a joint event with the minneapolis downtown council. It will be a special celebration of the Kraus Anderson block. The event will take place in the FINNovation Lab/Impact Hub space. Please RSVP via Eventbrite.
Event Description
The redevelopment of an entire block of East Town is a celebration of urban innovation and best practices for mixed use development. This shared forum with between the East Town Business Partnership and mpls downtown council will introduce us to all that is new on this block including new housing, the Elliot hotel and restaurant, the Finnovation Center, and the new Kraus Anderson headquarters.
Featured Speakers
- John Campabasso, VP and Director of Marketing, Kraus Anderson
- Jacquie Berglund, CEO Finnegans
- Mary Rick, CEO Impact Hub/Finnovation Center
11:30 am – registration and lunch
12:00 pm – program begins
1:00 pm – program concludes