April 16 (Annual Meeting) | The History and Future of our Riverfront
Virtual Meeting on ZOOM
Meeting ID: 615 302 401
Password: 011827
+13126266799 (Chicago)
Time: Noon-1:00pm
The riverfront of East Town is referred to as the Mill District. Originally a place designated exclusively for industrial purposes—it now features mixed uses and is poised to become a leading regional destination. This forum will provide an intriguing historical review and update on the many projects that are being developed in 2020.
Presenting Sponsor: Minnesota Vikings
Feature Presentation/Panelists:
- Paul Bauknight, Project Implementation Director, Minneapolis Parks Foundation
- David Stevens, Site Manager, Mill City Museum, Minnesota Historical Society
- Mark Andrew, President, Friends of the Lock and Dam
Presentation Agenda:
- Welcome to Zoom Meeting + Orientation (Dan Collison) (2-3 Minutes)
- Call to Order, Introductions (John Campobasso) (5 Minutes)
- Sponsor Recognition, Announcements (Dan Collison) (5 Minutes)
- Partnership Report (Steve Cramer, CEO, mpls downtown council-DID) (5 Minutes)
- Year in Review (Christie Hantge) (5 Minutes)
- Casting Vision for the Year Ahead to Next Business Forum Season (Dan Collison) (5 Minutes)
- Recognition of Outgoing Board Members (John Campobasso) (2 Minutes)
- Board Candidate Election (John Campobasso) (3 Minutes)
There are five candidates running for the ETBP Board of Directors:- Brent Hanson – Wells Fargo
- Mike Noble – Normandy Inn
- Brian Maupin – Allied Parking
- Kelly Rice – Cassia / Augustana Care
- Charlie Boeckenheuer – Minnesota Vikings
- Feature Presentation: (Moderated by Dan Collison) (25 Minutes)
- Paul Bauknight, Project Implementation Director, Minneapolis Parks Foundation
- David Stevens, Site Manager, Mill City Museum, Minnesota Historical Society
- Mark Andrew, President, Friends of the Lock and Dam
- Adjournment (John Campobasso) (2 Minutes)