The following ballot will be used at the April 26 Annual Meeting for our Board elections.
Board of Directors Ballot
for Membership Year Beginning 4/26/2012
ARTICLE VII of the East Downtown Council Bylaws provides for an annual election for a Board of Directors to occur in the month of April each year. Section 7.02 states the number of directors shall be not greater than fifteen (15) or less than five (5) with no more than two (2) directors non-members of the EDC.
The Voting rules in Article IV Section 4.03 state each member shall be entitled to one vote upon any matter voted upon by the membership. Each member shall appoint and certify to the EDC a person to be its representative on the EDC and who shall represent, vote and act for the member in all the affairs of the EDC, including the holding of office thereon. When more than one person or entity holds an interest in any real estate, each of such persons or entities may be members. In election of directors, each member may vote for as many candidates as there are vacancies to be filled.
The following members in good standing have been nominated to serve on the East Downtown Board of Directors for a one-year term beginning at the first Board of Directors meeting (Thursday, May 10, 2012) following the April 26 annual meeting.
- Bert Winkel, House of Charity
- Brian Maupin, Allied Parking Inc.
- Carl Runck, Alatus, LLC.
- Carletta Sweet, Downtown Minneapolis Neighborhood Association
- Dan Collison, First Covenant Church
- James Norkosky, Thrivent Financial for Lutherans
- Jan Olsen, Padilla Speer Beardsley Inc
- Jeff Anderson, Minnesota Vikings
- John Campobasso, Kraus-Anderson Construction Co.
- Lynn Regnier, Elliot Park Neighborhood Inc
- Paul Melblom, Meyer, Scherer & Rockcastle, Ltd.
- Susan Braun, Member-at-Large
- Tim Tucker, Augustana Care Corp
- Tom Hayes, Hennepin County Medical Center
- Varun Kharbanda, Timeshare Systems, Inc